About Jordan

Located in the heart of the Middle East, centrality has given Jordan its strategic and economic importance, making it a vital trading center in the past and the communication & diplomatic link between countries, people and continents.
Jordan is a small country, but it is rich by its history, people, culture and big ideas that embark a feeling of it being larger than it actually is.
Its capital city Amman is full of million. Jordan has a combination of Mediterranean and arid desert climates. Jordan enjoys a contradictions between the West and the East, which is a main part of its special intrigue. Jordan's population adds to approximately 6.3 million. The country has a combination of Mediterranean and arid desert climates.

It enjoys a range of geographical features, starting from the Jordan Rift Valley in the West, ending at the desert plateau of the East, and a wide range of small and beautiful hills running across the length of the country.
Main cities in Jordan are Amman, Zarqa, Irbid, Jerash and Aqaba. The official language is Arabic and English is widely spoken.